What is sexism? When is sexism harassment? What can you do to stop it?
Sexism, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially : discrimination against women. Or, behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex.
Is sexism the same as harassment?
Sexism is a form of discrimination that can happen on a personal level between individuals, but it can also happen on a systemic level where the sexism is built into an institution’s structures. Gender harassment happens on the personal level between individuals or groups of people. Common behaviors that are considering gender harassment include making offensive comments, posting offensive images, using derogatory names, saying sexist jokes, touching without permission, committing physical assault, or acting in other demeaning ways.
When does sexism collide with harassment? Sexism and harassment meet when one party creates a hostile environment for another party on the basis of sex discrimination.
What can you do to stop sexism and harassment in the workplace?
Ask the individuals to stop the sexist conduct. If they persist, then keep records of any and all incidents that happen in writing. Write down the dates, the details of what happened, and keep track of any witnesses. Ask these witnesses if they will make written statements corroborating your story. File a formal complaint with your Human Resources department. Follow up with them if they do not begin an investigation into the matter. If they continue to ignore the matter, or worse, retaliate against you for filing a complaint, seek out the advice of an attorney. An attorney will assist you with filing the right claims and getting the compensation you deserve.
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